Supported Devices:
N91 8GB , Nokia 3250 , Nokia 5500 , Nokia 5700 , Nokia 6110 Navigator , Nokia 6120 , Nokia 6121 , Nokia 6290 , Nokia E50 , Nokia E51 , Nokia E60 , Nokia E61 , Nokia E61i , Nokia E62 , Nokia E65 , Nokia E70 , Nokia E90 , Nokia N71 , Nokia N73 , Nokia N75 , Nokia N76, Nokia N77 , Nokia N80 , Nokia N81 , Nokia N81 8GB, Nokia N82 , Nokia N91 , Nokia N92 , Nokia N93 , Nokia N93i , Nokia N95 8GB , Nokia N95, Nokia 5800, Nokia N97
First step: you need download secman for hack your phone:
Toturial to install and download secman click this link:
Second step: Install the new N-Gage Application on other Nseries Devices!
I tried and tried to get the new N-Gage application also work on my N95 and I just made it! “N-Gage First Access” is not only limited to N81 users anymore!
I uploaded the file so that the steps below aren’t necessary anymore:
However, it is interesting to see how it works.
It’s clear that you need also the larger N-Gage .zip file, because the games are included in there.
The solution is very easy:
1. Download the N-Gage application here and an application to extract “*.sis” files, e.g. SixXplorer here.
2. Extract the “” file and install SisXplorer.

3. Open the file “first_acces_n-gage_v1.0.sis” in SisXplorer.

4. Extract the “*.sis” file into a folder.

5. Open the folder and install now only the file “9_n-gage.sisx” with Nokia Application Installer.
It’s unbelievable, but the installation works! I just tried it on my N95:

The N-Gage application replaces the demo application.

Really great, I can’t wait to try out all the available games! Thanks a lot to P@sco for this great idea!
Finally:download free N-gage 2.0 games